The 4th International Conference on Arabic Language and Literature 2021 (4th ICALL)
|The 4th International Conference on Arabic Language and Literature (4th ICALL 2021) was conducted on November 02, 2021 in Bandung, West Java, Indonesia. This Conference aims to boost up the creativity and innovation of Arabic Learning and Islamic subjects as well as to facilitate a scientific forum for Arabic language study, Islamic subjects, and its teaching. In response to this demand, the Departement of Arabic Language, Faculty of Language and Literature, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia conducted this conference.
The main purpose of ICALL is to address various issues and challenges in the teaching and learning of Arabic language and literature, Islamic subject, the culture of Arabic-Islam and to find out solutions to these challenges. Such the issues include identifying the values, creativity and innovation in the teaching and learning of these subject areas.
The 4th International Conference on Arabic Language and Literature (4th ICALL 2021) was by the Arabic Language Education Department of Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. This conference (4th ICALL 2021) was different from the previous ones because it was held online through the Zoom meeting application due to the coronavirus pandemic. This was the first ICALL online conference ever, considering that previous the conferences were held offline at Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia.
This activity presented several speakers from Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia and universities abroad as follows Prof. Dr. Syihabuddin, M.Pd. from Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Prof. Madya Dr. Muhammad Anas Al-Muhsin from Universitas Pendidikan Sultan Idris Malaysia, Syekh Prof. Dr. Ibrahim Salah (Principal of Al Azhar University, Egypt 2015-2017), Dr. Zeinab Ibrahim (Professor of Arabic Studies at Carnegie Mellon University in Qatar) Prof. Dustin Cowell (Professor of Arabic Language and Literature at University of Winconsin-Madison in the United States).
Meanwhile, the specific materials that were delivered to the conference participants are as follows: (1) Methodology of Arabic teaching for non-native speakers; (2) Arabic Linguistics and Literatures; (3) Strategies for teaching and learning Arabic for non-native speakers; (4) Arabic Morphology and Syntax; (5) Arabic Islamic Culture; (6) Arabic History. (Tedy Mohamad Nur, Prodi Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, UPI)