|Bandung, UPI
SUKAN MALAYSIA-INDONESIA (SUKMALINDO12) officially ended, marked by The Closing Ceremony of SUKMALINDO12, Thursday, October 3rd, 2019 at ISOLA UPI.
The closing ceremony began with an activity report from the Dean of Faculty of Sports and Health Education (FPOK) Prof. Dr. H. Adang Suherman, MA as the Chief Executive of SUKMALINDO12. He explained, in total from six sport branches Indonesia won 12 gold medals and 7 silver medals while Malaysia won 7 gold medals and 12 silver medals.
The event continued with remarks from the Head of Sports Unit Pekan Ramli from Malaysia. He hoped, “The relationship between Indonesia and Malaysia will continue to be improved, not only in sports but also in politics, economy, and social culture in order to strengthen relations between the two allied countries.”
The remarks also followed by the head of the Sub-directorate for Interest, Talent, and Student Affairs Organizations, Octa Nugroho Shando from the Ministry of Research.
He said, “The most important part about this event is not the winning or losing, instead the bonding between to youth of countries. Both nations work together to improve competence in education, especially sports.”
Finally, the closing ceremony began symbolically as the Vice president for Academic and Student Affairs, Dr. H. M. Solehuddin, M.Pd. opened his remarks. He expressed his gratitude to all the elements that helped the program to succeed, also gratitude because UPI has been given the trust to carry out this year’s event.
“I hope this cooperation can be expanded, not only between the two countries but also with other countries in the future.”
The event was symbolically closed with drumming and awarding mementos. SUKMALINDO12 which took place from October 1st-4th was officially closed last night.
Later, the closing ceremony followed by granting medals to both Indonesian and Malaysian athletes who have competed in the SUKMALINDO this year.
Last night’s event was enlivened by live music and dance performances from Indonesia and Malaysia. The dances from Indonesia are presented by students from Dance Majors from the Faculty of Arts and Design Education (FPSD). The dancers also received the cultural medal award from the Vice president for Academic and Student Affairs, Dr. H. M. Solehuddin, M.Pd. as a form of gratitude for their contribution in the cultural exchange between Indonesia and Malaysia. (Ghina Aulia Saffanah)