Joint Research UPI with Ian Kaplan from the Norwegian Afghanistan Committee (NAC)

Bandung, UPI

A discussion between UPI and Ian Kaplan from the Norwegian Afghanistan Committee (NAC) held at Partere building 1st floor, on 17th February 2020.

The purpose of the visit was to discuss the possibility of collaboration in research between Pendidikan Khusus (PKH) or the Special Education department and the Norwegian Afghanistan Committee (NAC).

The discussion attended by Vice President UPI of Research, Partnerships, and Business, Prof. Dr. H. Didi Sukyadi, M.A., The Head of Office of International Education and Relations (OIER) Ahmad Bukhori Muslim, Ph.D., and representatives form Special Education department.

Ian Kaplan is a Senior Education and Research Specialist at Afghanistankomiteen – Norwegian Afghanistan Committee. The Norwegian Afghanistan Committee (NAC) itself is a non-profit organization, this organization contributing to health, education, and natural resources in Afghanistan.

Previously, PKH UPI had also cooperated with NAC. This year was a form to extend the cooperation that had agreed on from the previous year. The form of cooperation plan discussed includes the construction of a research centre facility which can later be used to conduct research and also the funding in constructing the facility building. (Ghina Aulia Saffanah)