UPI Kampus Cibiru Gelar ICPECE
|Bandung, UPI
UPI Kampus Cibiru akan menyelenggarakan 2nd International Conference on Primary and Early Childhood Education (ICPECE) 2017, Rabu 6 Desember 2017 di Hotel Mitra, Bandung, Jawa Barat.
Seminar internasional yang bertemakan “Rebuilt The Vision Of Primary And Early Childhood Education: Between Digital Era, Humanity And Living In Harmony” ini menghadirkan Keynote Speakers, diantaranya Assoc. Prof. Diana Lea Baranovich – University of Malaya, Malaysia; Vina Adriany, M.Ed., Ph.D – Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia; dan Dr. Suryanti, M.Pd. – Ketua Himpunan Dosen PGSD Indonesia
Selain tema utama, seminar tersebut mengangkat sub tema, Education in Digital Era; Ecoliteracy Development; Human Identity and Gender Awareness in Education; Assessment and Student Achievement; Citizenship, Local Wisdom and Character Education; Curriculum Development and Innovation by Schools and Teacher; Diversity and Inclusive Education; Educational Effectiveness and Quality Assurance; Guidance and Counseling; Home, School and Community; Language and Literacy; Learning in and out of Classroom; Policy and Social Context of Education; School Leadership and Management; Supporting transition -Interfaces at Pre-primary, Primary and Secondary Levels; Teacher Education, Leadership and Professional Development; Teaching and Education Innovation; and Tomorrow’s Classrooms and ICT.
Kontribusi Presenter : 300.000 IDR dan Partisipan: 150.000 IDR. Deadline Abstrak hingga tanggal 1 Desember 2017, sementara Dealine Fullpaper hingga tanggal 6 Desember 2017. Pengiriman Abstrak, payment proof dan full paper ke email : [email protected]. Info lebih lanjut kegiatan seminar bisa diakses pada laman: http://cibiru.conference.upi.edu, atau melalui kontak panitia, Yona Wahyuningsih : +62 821 1754 3111, Triana Lestari : +62 822 1420 3611. (DN)